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The Confederated Five/ Alamassee El Caleephahh "Hy-Imperium" Demonstration

Updated: Feb 7, 2023

Peace to all striving Muurs across the Earth plane and especially across the "Holy Terrain". It's my honor to officially introduce the Confederated Five/ Alamassee El Caleephahh demonstration to all of you who inherently carry the frequency of the Warrior-Prophet culture that has been passed through our bloodline in all of antiquity. I invite those of you Muurish-Mississipian brothers and sisters who have the merit, bravery and valor to dedicate your lives to the upliftment of our fallen nation in the form of preparing to assume positions of guardianship and stewardship over the the "Holy Terrain" of North America. The territory of the "Holy Terrain" spans from the North American southeast woodlands up to the Great Lakes region of the Midwest and as far west as the Four Corners/ Grand Canyon/ Moab region of the southwest (Old Caliphaland), the entirety of Mexico as far south as Belize/Guatemala, and also across the Great Plains. The Confederated Five Demonstration is essentially the re-emergence of the the southern Muurish Maskokee-Creek Confederacy, which was a military confederacy of Muurish-Moslem Barbary Nations in the southeastern portion of North America that defended the coastlines and interior of the southern and Midwest region of North America centuries before European conquest and essentially all the way up to 1865. This demonstration is only for the few select Muurs who again, are willing to place themselves in service as Sherifan gaurdians of the "Holy Terrain" and re-adopt our old time Warrior-Prophet ideology into their everyday lives. Muurish men who follow this demonstration will be required to begin to strive in the "Path of Mudjahada" and initiate the process of moving away from materialism and vanity in order to become more right and exact with nature to assume noble status for honorable stewardship of the land. Muurish women who follow this demonstration will be required to become steadfast supporters of the striving Mudjahadan men and will also be required to begin the path of loosening attachments to materialism, vanity and ego in order to integrate into our collective confederated effort to uplift our nation. Muurish women within the Confederate demonstration must, as well, strive to become masterful caretakers of the land as well as their own families. There will be no gender competition or conflict between Muurish men and women within the demonstration because we are a "Holy Family" striving for a collective goal, which will leave little time for petty ego issues of gender. Within the Confederated Five, as well as in overall Moorish culture, we maintain men and women in their natural roles given to them by Allah Most High in all of the covenants of the old testament, which is Man, Woman and Child as the true holy trinity. The basic unifying principle of the Confederated Five/ Alamassee El Caleephahh is our collective striving to re-align ourselves with each other in economics and defense using our spiritual/cultural habits as a fortification between us and other nationalities. The Confederated Five/ Alamassee El Caleephahh demonstration is only for Active Muurish-Mississipians, which means you will need to strive to live this culture everyday in order to be considered official "El Caleephahh." Active Muurs will be encouraged to wear cultural head gear, arm bands etc. to make it easier for we Active Muurs to identify each other and have each other's backs in any situation. The Confederated Five demonstration is not an anti- U.S. government demonstration because we are defenders of the original American Republic and Confederacy dating back to Hannibal Bey and the Bourne Stone, so essentially we are the true original American Conservatives striving to preserve our country. In order for Active Muurs within the demonstration to move, navigate and communicate with each other as easily as possible, the the Confederated Five will be divided into Five Confederate Domains which span from the Southeast to the Southwest 4 Corners/ Moab region of North America. These Five Domains are as follows: Alamassee, Sheekamauga, Andalusia, Sheekasaw and Amauritania. The Spiritual Temple and Council forum of the Demonstration will be called the "Tallamecca Temple" which will serve as a place of spiritual fellowship and meeting place for striving Confederate Muurs. While this Confederacy is very much decentralized and Active Muurs will be encouraged to largely govern themselves and respective communities according to the Zodiac Constitution authored by the Great C.M. Bey, certain circumstances will bring us together quickly with very little question which is generally how the Confederacy always functioned. I hope those of you who are built tough enough to answer the call to Mudjahada within the "Holy Terrain" join us in the cause. This is just an introduction to this demonstration and we will continue to build and elaborate on this emerging culture in future posts and councils. Remember this is just a faction participing in the divine and national upliftment brought fourth by our Prophet Noble Drew Ali. Peace and Shukran.

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